Module Assemblage.Part

module Part: sig .. end
Parts, part sets and maps.

Parts are the logical build units that define a project, they define the project's outcomes for every possible configuration.

A part defines a coherent set of build actions. There are different kinds of part, each which specific metadata that it uses to define its action. Parts may also refer to, or integrate, other parts to define their actions.

A part can also be seen as defining the outputs of its build actions. These build products depend on the configuration.

In addition to part specific metadata, each part has the following attributes that the user specifies:

Given all this information a part will give you build actions whose outputs define a part's build products.


type kind = [ `Base | `Bin | `Dir | `Doc | `Lib | `Pkg | `Run | `Unit ] 
The type for part kinds. See the corresponding individual modules for more information.
val pp_kind : Format.formatter -> kind -> unit
pp_kind ppf k prints an unspecified represetation of k on ppf.


type usage = [ `Build | `Dev | `Doc | `Other of string | `Outcome | `Test ] 
The type for part usage.
val pp_usage : Format.formatter -> usage -> unit
pp_usage ppf u prints an unspecified representation of u on ppf.


type meta 
The type for part metadata
val meta_key : unit -> ('a -> meta) * (meta -> 'a option)
meta_key () pairs a metadata injector and projector.
val meta_nil : meta
meta_nil is metadata that cannot be accessed.


type [< Assemblage.part_kind ] t = ([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'a) Assemblage.part 
The type for parts.
val v : ?usage:usage ->
?exists:bool Assemblage.Conf.value ->
?args:Assemblage.Args.t ->
?meta:meta ->
?needs:[< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part list ->
?root:Assemblage.Path.rel Assemblage.Conf.value ->
?actions:(kind Assemblage.part ->
Assemblage.Action.t list Assemblage.Conf.value) ->
?check:(kind Assemblage.part -> bool Assemblage.Conf.value) ->
string -> [< Assemblage.part_kind > `Base ] Assemblage.part
v ?usage ?exists ?meta ?needs ?args ?actions ?check name defines a base part named name.
val kind : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> kind
kind p is p's kind.
val name : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> string
name p is p's name.
val usage : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> usage
usage p is p's usage.
val exists : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> bool Assemblage.Conf.value
exists p determines if p exists.
val meta : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> meta
meta p is p's metadata.
val get_meta : (meta -> 'a option) ->
[< Assemblage.part_kind ] t -> 'a
get_meta proj p uses proj on p's metadata.
Raises Invalid_argument if proj returns None.
val root : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part ->
Assemblage.Path.rel Assemblage.Conf.value
root p is p's root build directory expressed relative to Assemblage.Conf.root_dir. Most of the time the actions of a part will output their build products in this direcory. This directory may change when a part is integrated in another.
val root_path : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part ->
Assemblage.Path.t Assemblage.Conf.value
root_path is like Assemblage.Part.root but as a generic path.
val needs : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part ->
kind t list
needs p is the (uniqified) list of parts needed by p to define itself.
val actions : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part ->
Assemblage.Action.t list Assemblage.Conf.value
actions p are the actions to build part p. If Assemblage.Part.exists p evaluates to false this evaluates to the empty list.
val check : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> bool Assemblage.Conf.value
check p logs information about potential problems with p and returns true if there is no such problem.
val id : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> int
id p is a unique id for the part.
val equal : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part ->
[< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> bool
equal p p' is (id p) = (id p').
val compare : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part ->
[< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> int
compare p p' is compare (id p) (id p').
val redefine : ?check:(kind Assemblage.part -> bool Assemblage.Conf.value) ->
?actions:(kind Assemblage.part ->
Assemblage.Action.t list Assemblage.Conf.value) ->
([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'a) Assemblage.part -> 'a Assemblage.part
redefine check actions p is p with check function check and actions function action (both defaults to p's one if unspecified).

Warning. As far as Assemblage is concerned this is equivalent to Obj.magic.

File part

val file : ?usage:usage ->
?exists:bool Assemblage.Conf.value ->
Assemblage.Path.t -> [< Assemblage.part_kind > `Base ] Assemblage.part
file p is a part with a noop action that inputs p.

Part integration

val integrate : ?add_need:(kind Assemblage.part -> bool) ->
([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'a) Assemblage.part ->
[< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> 'a Assemblage.part
integrate ?add_need i p is i as integrated in p. This is i except its root and usage now match those of p and the needs of p that returned true on add_need were added to the new part. add_need defaults to fun _ -> false. The new part will adapt to the new parameters by recomputing actions using the part's action definition function.


val coerce : ([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'a) ->
[< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> 'a Assemblage.part
coerce k p coerces p to kind k,
Raises Invalid_argument if p's kind is not k.
val coerce_if : ([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'a) ->
[< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part -> 'a Assemblage.part option
coerce_if k p is Some if p is of kind k and None otherwise.

Part lists

val list_actions : kind Assemblage.part list ->
Assemblage.Action.t list Assemblage.Conf.value
list_actions ps is the list of actions of the parts ps. The list order is preserved.
val list_uniquify : kind Assemblage.part list ->
kind Assemblage.part list
list_uniquify ps is ps with duplicates as determined by Assemblage.Part.equal removed. The list order is preserved.
val list_keep : (([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'a) Assemblage.part -> bool) ->
'a Assemblage.part list -> 'a Assemblage.part list
list_keep pred ps is the elements of ps that satisfy pred. The list order is preserved.
val list_keep_map : (([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'a) Assemblage.part -> 'b option) ->
'a Assemblage.part list -> 'b list
list_keep_map f ps is the elements of ps for which f returns Some value. The list order is according to ps.
val list_keep_kind : ([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'a) ->
[< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part list -> 'a Assemblage.part list
list_keep_kind k ps is the elements of ps that have kind kind. The list order is preserved.
val list_keep_kinds : kind list ->
([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'a) Assemblage.part list ->
'a Assemblage.part list
list_keep_kinds ks is the elements of ps that have one of the kind ks. The list order is preserved.
val list_fold : ('a -> ([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'b) Assemblage.part -> 'a) ->
'a -> 'b Assemblage.part list -> 'a
list_fold f acc ps is List.fold_left f acc ps.
val list_fold_kind : ([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'b) ->
('a -> 'b Assemblage.part -> 'a) ->
'a -> [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part list -> 'a
list_fold kind f acc ps is like Assemblage.Part.list_fold but folds only over the parts whose kind is kind.
val list_fold_rec : ('a -> kind Assemblage.part -> 'a) ->
'a -> kind Assemblage.part list -> 'a
fold_rec f acc l folds over the parts of l and their needs recusively, in depth first pre-order. If a part appears twice in the traversal is it only folded over the first time.
val list_fold_kind_rec : ([< Assemblage.part_kind ] as 'b) ->
('a -> 'b t -> 'a) ->
'a -> kind t list -> 'a
list_fold_kind_rec is the same traversal as Assemblage.Part.list_fold_rec but only parts whose kind is kind are folded over.

Part sets and maps

module Set: sig .. end
module Map: sig .. end