Module Assemblage_tools.Merlin

module Merlin: sig .. end
Merlin support.

Generate Merlin project files.

Merlin project file

type directive = [ `B of string
| `EXT of string list
| `FLG of string list
| `PKG of string
| `REC
| `S of string ]
The type for Merlin directives.
type t = [ `B of string
| `Blank
| `Comment of string
| `EXT of string list
| `FLG of string list
| `PKG of string
| `REC
| `S of string ] list
The type for Merlin project files.
val to_string : t -> string
to_string m is m as a string.
val of_project : Assemblage.project -> t
of_project p is a merlin file for project p.