Module Assemblage_tools.Opam.Install

module Install: sig .. end
Install files.

Generate OPAM package installation files.

Install file

type move 
The type for file moves.
val move : ?maybe:bool ->
?dst:Assemblage.Path.t ->
Assemblage.Path.t -> move
move src ~dst moves src to dst. src is expressed relative to the install file and dst relative to the destination directory which is determined by the move's field. If dst is absent src is placed at the root of the destination directory. maybe indicates that src may be absent (defaults to false).
type field_elt = [ `Bin of move
| `Doc of move
| `Etc of move
| `Lib of move
| `Man of move
| `Misc of move
| `Sbin of move
| `Share of move
| `Share_root of move
| `Stublibs of move
| `Toplevel of move ]
The type for field elements. Determines the destination directory of an Assemblage_tools.Opam.Install.move.
type t = [ `Header of string option ] * field_elt list 
The type for install files. An optional introductory comment followed by file moves.
val to_string : t -> string
to_string i is i as a string.
val of_project : ?add:field_elt list ->
Assemblage.project -> t
of_project add p is an install file for project p and add.