Module Id

module Id: sig .. end
Unique identifiers.

This module handle both deterministic identifiers for objects, jobs and tasks and randaom unique identifiers for workers.

type 'a t 
The type for deterministic or random dentifiers.
val of_uuid : 'a -> 'a t
uuid k is a a 128 bits universally unique identifiers (UUID) version 4 (random based) according to RFC 4122.
val digest : 'a -> string -> 'a t
digest k s is s's SHA1 digest.
val compare : 'a t -> 'a t -> int
compare is the comparison for identifiers.
val equal : 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
equal is the equality for identifiers.
val pp : 'a t Fmt.t
pp t formats t.
val json : 'a t Jsont.codec
json is the JSON codec for identifiers.
val of_string : 'a -> string -> 'a t
of_string is the identity function.
val to_string : 'a t -> string
to_string is the identity function.