Module Assemblage.Doc

module Doc: sig .. end
Unit documentation set part.

Defines a build product for the documentation set defined by a set of compilation units.


type kind = [ `OCamldoc ] 
The type for unit documentation set generators.
val pp_kind : Format.formatter -> kind -> unit
pp_kind ppf k prints an unspecified representation of k on ppf.
val kind : [< `Doc ] Assemblage.part -> kind
kind p is p's kind.
val ocamldoc : [< Assemblage.part_kind ] Assemblage.part ->
[< Assemblage.part_kind > `Doc ] Assemblage.part option
ocamldoc p is Some p iff p is an `OCamldoc documentation generator.

Unit filters

TODO we need something more general along the lines of Assemblage.Dir parts. This will allow to cope with e.g. static files.

val default : [< `Unit ] Assemblage.part -> bool
default is a part filter that selects only OCaml units whose Assemblage.Unit.ocaml_interface is not `Hidden.
val dev : [< `Unit ] Assemblage.part -> bool
dev is part filter that select any kind of OCaml unit.

Unit documentation sets

val v : ?usage:Assemblage.Part.usage ->
?exists:bool Assemblage.Conf.value ->
?args:Assemblage.Args.t ->
?keep:([< `Unit ] Assemblage.part -> bool) ->
string ->
kind ->
[< `Bin | `Lib | `Unit ] Assemblage.part list ->
[< Assemblage.part_kind > `Doc ] Assemblage.part
v keep name kind needs is a documentation set named name of the given kind. The units of the documentation set are those kept by keep and present in needs or part of the libraries and binaries listed in needs. keep defaults to if usage is `Dev and Assemblage.Doc.default otherwise.