Module Assemblage.Private.Acmd

module Acmd: sig .. end
Action commands.

Action commands

type args = Assemblage.Private.Args.t 
include Assemblage.Acmd
val cmd_key : t -> string Assemblage.Private.Conf.key option
cmd_key c is c's configuration key used to define Assemblage.Private.Acmd.cmd_name (if any).
val cmd_name : t -> string
cmd_name c is c's command name.
val args : t -> string list
args c are c's arguments.
val stdin : t -> Assemblage.Path.t option
stdin c is c's stdin redirection (if any).
val stdout : t -> Assemblage.Path.t option
stdout c is c's stdout redirection (if any).
val stderr : t -> Assemblage.Path.t option
stderr c is c's stderr redirection (if any).
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
pp ppf c prints an unspecified representation of c on ppf.

Argument bundle injection

val ctx : Assemblage.Ctx.t -> t -> Assemblage.Ctx.t
ctx context c is context augmented with c's context.
val args_with_ctx : Assemblage.Private.Conf.t ->
Assemblage.Ctx.t -> args -> t -> string list
args_with_ctx conf context args cmd are c's arguments prepended with the arguments found in args for the configuration conf and the context Assemblage.Private.Acmd.ctxcontext c.