Module Assemblage.Private.Args

module Args: sig .. end
Build argument bundles.

Note. From a driver implementation perspective the only thing one needs to care is to add the project's flags to the actions it consults.

Argument bundles

include Assemblage.Args
val deps : t -> Assemblage.Private.Conf.Key.Set.t
deps a is the set of configuration keys which may be needed for evaluating the constituents of a.
val pp : Assemblage.Private.Conf.t -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
pp conf ppf args prints an unspecified representation of args in context conf on ppf.

Argument lookup

val for_ctx : Assemblage.Private.Conf.t -> Assemblage.Ctx.t -> t -> string list
with_ctx conf ctx args is the arguments in args for context ctx in configuration conf.