Module Host

module Host: sig .. end
Detection of host configuration.

type t 
The type for host configuration.
val detect : unit -> t
Detects the host configuration.
val equal : t -> t -> bool
equal is the equality for host configurations.
val pp : t Fmt.t
pp formats a host configuration.
val json : t Jsont.codec
json is the JSON codec for host configurations.
val defaults : t list
defaults is the list of host configurations supported by default.
type os = [ `Cygwin
| `Darwin
| `DragonFly
| `FreeBSD
| `Linux
| `NetBSD
| `OpenBSD
| `Other of string
| `Unix
| `Win32 ]
The type for OS configuration.
val pp_os : os Fmt.t
pp_os format OS configurations.
val os : t -> os
os t is t's OS.