Module Package

module Package: sig .. end
Package name with optional version.

type t 
The type for package names with an optional version.
val name : t -> string
name t is t's name.
val version : t -> string option
version t is t's version or None it t does not have any version.
val create : ?version:string -> string -> t
create ?version name is the opam package name.version.
val of_string : string -> t
of_string "n.v" is the package with name n and version v. If s does not contain any string, it is the package with name s and no version.
val to_string : t -> string
to_string t is name t ^ "." v if t has the version v, otherwise it is name t.
val equal : t -> t -> bool
equal is the equality for packages.
val json : t Jsont.codec
json is the JSON codec for packages.
val pp : t Fmt.t
pp formats packages.

Package Information

type info 
The type for package information values.
val info : opam:Cstruct.t -> url:Cstruct.t -> info
info ~opam ~url is the package information value containing the given opam and url file contents. Both files should contains only valid UTF-8 characters. This is not checked by CISO.
val opam : info -> Cstruct.t
opam i is the contents of i's opam file.
val url : info -> Cstruct.t
url i is the contents of i's url file.
val pp_info : info Fmt.t
pp_info formats package infos.
val json_info : info Jsont.codec
json_info is the JSON codec for package infos.