Index of values

add [Store.S]
add t v adds v to the store t.
add_output [Store.Job]
add_output t j o adds o to the list of objects created by the job j.
archive [Object]
archive f c is the archive containing the files f and with raw contents c.

compare [Worker]
compare compares workers.
compare [Job]
compare compares jobs.
compare [Task]
compare compares tasks.
compare [Id]
compare is the comparison for identifiers.
contents [Object]
contents t is ts contents.
create [Worker]
create h is the worker with host configuration h.
create [Package]
create ?version name is the opam package name.version.
create [Job]
create h c pkgs is the job of building the list of packages pkgs using the OCaml compiler switch c on a worker having h as host configuration.
create [Task]
create pkgs is the task of building the packages pkgs on all possible compiler switches and on all possible host configurations.
current [Version]

defaults [Switch]
defaults is the list of default switches.
defaults [Host]
defaults is the list of host configurations supported by default.
detect [Host]
Detects the host configuration.
digest [Id]
digest k s is s's SHA1 digest.

equal [Worker]
equal is the equality for workers.
equal [Switch]
equal is the equality for compiler switches.
equal [Host]
equal is the equality for host configurations.
equal [Package]
equal is the equality for packages.
equal [Object]
equal is the equality function for objects.
equal [Job]
equal is the job equality.
equal [Task]
equal is the task equality.
equal [Id]
equal is the equality for identifiers.

failure [Store.Job]
failure t id set id's status to `Failure.
file [Object]
file f c is the file f whose contents is c.
forget [Store.Worker]
forget t removes all metadata about the worker.

get [Store.S]
get t id is the value stored in t with the stable identifier id.

host [Worker]
host t is t's host configuration.
host [Job]
host t is t's host.

id [Worker]
id t is t's identifier.
id [Object]
id t is t's id.
id [Job]
id t id t's deterministic identifier.
id [Task]
id t is t's deterministic identifier.
idle [Store.Worker]
idle t w registers that w is idle.
info [Package]
info ~opam ~url is the package information value containing the given opam and url file contents.
inputs [Job]
input t are t's job inputs.

jobs [Store.Task]
jobs t task are task's jobs in t.
json [Worker]
json is the JSON coded for workers.
json [Switch]
json is the JSON codec for values compiler switches.
json [Host]
json is the JSON codec for host configurations.
json [Package]
json is the JSON codec for packages.
json [Object]
json is the JSON codec for objects.
json [Job]
json is the JSON codec for jobs.
json [Task]
json is the JSON codec for tasks.
json [Id]
json is the JSON codec for identifiers.
json_info [Package]
json_info is the JSON codec for package infos.
json_status [Worker]
json_status is the JSON codec for worker status.
json_status [Job]
json_status is the JSON codec for job status.
json_status [Task]
json_status is the JSON coded for task status.

kind [Object]
kind t is t's kind.

list [Scheduler.S]
list t lists the values which are being scheduled.
list [Store.S]
list t is the list of all the values stored in t.
local [Store]
Create a local store handler, using Irmin's Git on-disk backend.

mem [Store.S]
mem t id is true if a value with the stable identifer id is stored in t.

name [Package]
name t is t's name.

of_string [Switch]
of_string is the identity function.
of_string [Package]
of_string "n.v" is the package with name n and version v.
of_string [Id]
of_string is the identity function.
of_uuid [Id]
uuid k is a a 128 bits universally unique identifiers (UUID) version 4 (random based) according to RFC 4122.
opam [Package]
opam i is the contents of i's opam file.
os [Host]
os t is t's OS.
outputs [Store.Job]
outputs t job are job's output objects.

packages [Job]
packages t are the packages that t has to build.
packages [Task]
packages t's is the list of packages that t wants to install.
peek [Scheduler.Job]
peek t host picks a job if it is runnable on the given host configuration.
peek [Scheduler.S]
peel t picks a value if it is available.
peek_s [Scheduler.Job]
peek_s t host blocks until a job become runnable on the given host configuration.
peek_s [Scheduler.S]
peek_s t blocks until a value is available.
pending [Store.Job]
pending t j sets id's status to `Pending.
pp [Worker]
pp formats workers.
pp [Switch]
pp formats compiler switches.
pp [Host]
pp formats a host configuration.
pp [Package]
pp formats packages.
pp [Object]
pp format objects.
pp [Job]
pp formats jobs.
pp [Task]
pp formats tasks.
pp [Id]
pp t formats t.
pp_info [Package]
pp_info formats package infos.
pp_os [Host]
pp_os format OS configurations.
pp_pin [Task]
pp_pin formats a pin package.
pp_repo [Task]
pp_repository formats a repository.
pp_status [Worker]
pp_status formats worker status.
pp_status [Job]
pp_status formats jobs Job.status.
pp_status [Task]
pp_status formats tasks Task.status.

remote [Store]
Create a remote store handler, using Irmin's HTTP client.
reset [Store.Task]
reset t task resets the status of t to be `New.
running [Store.Job]
runnning t id sets id's status to `Running.

start [Scheduler.S]
start s starts the event scheduler.
start [Scheduler]
Start all the schedulers.
start_job [Store.Worker]
start_job t w j asks the worker w to start working on the build job j.
start_task [Store.Worker]
start_task t w ta asks the worker w to start working on the task ta.
status [Store.Job]
status t job is job's status in t.
status [Store.Task]
status t task is task's status in t.
status [Store.Worker]
job t w is the worker w's current job.
stop [Scheduler.S]
stop t stops the scheduler t.
success [Store.Job]
success t id sets id's status to `Success.
switch [Job]
switch t is t's switch.
system [Switch]
The system switch.

task_status [Job]
task_status s is the status summary of s.
tick [Store.Worker]
tick t w f updates the worker w's status with the timestamp f.
to_string [Switch]
to_string is the identity function.
to_string [Package]
to_string t is name t ^ "." v if t has the version v, otherwise it is name t.
to_string [Id]
to_string is the identity function.

update_status [Store.Task]
update_status t id updates id's status by looking at the status of its jobs.
url [Package]
url i is the contents of i's url file.

version [Package]
version t is t's version or None it t does not have any version.

watch [Store.Job]
watch t f calls f on every job added in the store.
watch [Store.Task]
watch t f calls f on every task added in the store.
watch [Store.Worker]
watch t f calls f everytime a new worker is added.
watch_status [Store.Job]
watch_status t j f calls f everytime j's status is updated.
watch_status [Store.Task]
watch_status t ta f calls f everytime ta's status is updated.
watch_status [Store.Worker]
watch_status t w f calls f everytime w's status is updated.
watch_ticks [Store.Worker]
watch_ticks t w f calls f everytime the worker w calls Store.Worker.tick.
with_transaction [Store]
with_transaction t f executes f t in a transaction and commit the final result if the transaction is successful.